Heading to Grimsey

29 July 2020
29 July 2020 Gianluca Casagrande

12.54 UTC – NANUQ is heading towards Grimsey island, 150 nautical miles from Seyðisfjörður. Wind and sea are calm at the moment, the sky is overcast, visibility is very good. Due to the lack of wind, the boat is cruising on engine at 6.5 knots. While the expedition is periodically sending automated position updates and other information via Iridium satellite connection, the boat is still relatively close to land; at this time it appears to be still within reach of Iceland’s cell-phone network and the crew could send the following image via Telegram. Crewmembers Claudio Limacher and Tamara Strasser are on watch; she is at the helm, he is in position to keep an eye on the cockpit instrument panel. Both are visually scanning the horizon ahead. Co-skipper Dr. Thierry Selz is in the background. All persons onboard, when operating outside the cabin, are required to be attached to a safety line connecting them to a structural element of the boat; this is a basic measure to prevent anyone from falling overboard, a most critical situation in such freezing waters. Also mandatory is the life-jacket, designed to automatically inflate and keep the person afloat, in the proper head-up attitude, in case of accidental fall.